Traditional tax-deferred investments operate best when current tax rates are high and the possibility of them falling is strong. In today’s market, that scenario is reversed. Tax rates are at historically low levels and, given our current national debt and commitments to entitlement programs, there is very good reason to believe taxes will rise in the future. This plan provides for retirement income that is tax-free with no required minimum distribution or early withdrawal penalty.
The LIFE Plan also contains an accelerated death benefit rider to help shield your family from the high cost of long-term care (LTC) should you find yourself in need of such services.
Important Information
The scenarios compared above are hypothetical and are for illustration purposes only. They do not provide any guarantee or promise of specifi c rate of return,growth, or return of initial capital. Investments, including life insurance, have a potential for loss. The investment scenario assumes a $20,000 annual deposit over a ten-year period invested into the Vanguard Bal-anced Index Fund (VBINX) utilizing Vanguard stated returns from 1/1/2000 – 12/31/2009. The scenario also considers expenses of 1% for management and fees in additional to paying capital gains taxes of 20% when necessary with losses carried forward and applied at current tax policy assumptions. The life insurance example is provided by New York Life Insurance Company using a 45-year-old male with a preferred underwriting classifi cation in the state of Missouri. The illustration assumes current crediting and dividend rates continue through the duration of the policy. Dividend rates and policy loan interest rates are subject to change and are not guaranteed. Retirement income shown for the investment account assumes the account doubled from 12/31/2009 to 1/1/2020 and a 4% withdrawal rate annually is pulled from the balance starting 1/1/2020 for 15 years. The remaining balance in the investment account and the life insur-ance policy are the values as of the day before the client turns age 82. The retirement cash fl ow shown with the “LIFE Plan” is tax-free utilizing policy loans from cash value. Please refer to the actual illustrations for specifi c details and consult your tax and legal professionals before making a final decision. Prevail Strategies, LLC nor JA-DEL, INC. or its affiliates warrant or make guarantees that an employees’ actual program will perform with a positive rate of return or as illustrated above as investments contain risk and are unpredictable.