
Where personal and business wealth creation collide

Where personal and business wealth creation merge

Many successful business owners have concentrated heavily on the success and growth of their business, generating income, creating a valuable asset, and building long-term wealth. Additionally, they’ve often surrounded themselves with a variety of experts to handle various aspects of their finances including CPAs, insurance agents, brokers, attorneys, etc. Their focus on the business is key to driving growth, but can also cause blind spots when looking at their total wealth picture—both in the present and the future.

As an asset class, a business is considered an alternative private market asset and highly illiquid. Up to 90% of personal wealth is concentrated in many privately held businesses, but typically financial Investment Advisors Representative only allocate 10% or less of a client’s portfolio to this type of an asset class. Said more simply, business owners can be too highly concentrated in their business from a financial planning perspective. 

man touching window

The lack of liquidity, changing tax rates, unanticipated liabilities associated with the business, challenging exit strategies and a variety of other factors all add to the risk of having so much wealth tied to the business. That’s why the Prevail philosophy of wealth creation, growth, and protection doesn’t solely focus on personal wealth. Rather we look at the entire picture so that we can help our clients properly mitigate risk across personal and business assets, while also identifying opportunities to create, grow and protect their wealth.

How Prevail is different.

At Prevail, managing money is more than financial. It’s personal. And it’s personalized. We never use a cookie-cutter approach. Every client is different, and so must be their approach to creating, growing, protecting, and distributing their wealth. The “model portfolio” where money is stacked in different funds (ex. conservative, balanced, value, growth, aggressive growth, etc.) isn’t necessarily a model for today. Today’s market is unique, and so are the needs of our clients. Since the economy, the world, and our individual situations can change at a break-neck speed, Prevail takes into account not only our clients’ risk tolerance and asset class diversification, but also their overall tax strategy—that layers in another level of protection of assets.

Active and strategic management.
Our portfolios are built from stocks that we have researched, analyzed, tracked, forecasted, and tested.  The strategic plan for how to leverage these investments is custom-built for every client. In other words, we have flipped the typical business model on its head. Instead of employing a large number of RIAs (Registered Investment Investment Advisors Representative) to accumulate AUM (Assets Under Management), we’ve poured our resources into technical analysis to generate wealth-creating opportunities for our clients. This provides our team with tremendous opportunities to help clients limit downside exposure in market downturns and maximize upside during positive trends.

Prevail Shape The Future

How Prevail is different.

At Prevail, managing money is more than financial. It’s personal. And it’s personalized. We never use a cookie cutter approach. Every client is different and so must be their approach to creating, growing, protecting, and distributing their wealth. The “model portfolio” where money is stacked in different funds (ex. conservative, balanced, value, growth, aggressive growth, etc.) isn’t necessarily a model for today. Today’s market is unique. And so are the needs of our clients. Since the economy, the world, and our individual situations can change at a break-neck speed, Prevail takes into account not only our clients’ risk tolerance and asset class diversification, but also their overall tax strategy—that layers in another level of protection of assets.

Active and strategic management.
Our portfolios are built from stocks that we have researched, analyzed, tracked, forecasted and tested And the strategic plan for how to leverage these investments is custom built for every client. In other words, we have flipped the typical business model on its head. Instead of employing a large number of RIAs (Registered Investment Investment Advisors Representative) to accumulate AUM (Assets Under Management), we’ve poured our resources into technical analysis to generate wealth creating opportunities for our clients. This provides our team with tremendous opportunities to help clients limit downside exposure in market down turns, and maximize upside during positive trends.

You Have Risk Management Questions

We Have Some Answers

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Get the book every business owner should read about financial pitfalls of owning a company.

Our Investment Advisors Representative will be happy to share this important book with you.

Extensive Financial Planning Strategies

Our Team-Based Approach is Comprehensive and Easy.


Learn About You

Your Vision
Your Objectives
Your Opportunities
Your Challenges
Your Entire Picture (ie. Business & personal)


Develop Custom Strategies

Based on your unique situation
Leverage our team of experts
Establish wealth creation strategies
Determine ideal source of asset transfer


Build Wealth

Agree on and implement strategies
Establish tracking tools
Communicate regularly
Ongoing support from your financial BOD (Board of Directors)


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